Bury Reiki

Reiki healing sessions in Bury

Thanks for visiting Reiki Soul, home of an excellent Reiki service in Bury.

Reiki Master in Bury

reiki Bury

Acute injuries can be helped to heal very quickly with Reiki, but more chronic illnesses can take longer. If you are unable to lie down, Reiki treatment can be given in a sitting position; the main thing is that you are as comfortable as possible.

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Bury Reiki Practitioner

Enhance your body's natural ability to heal itself and experience the wonder and compassion of an ancient healing art with a Reiki healing session in Bury.

Reiki healing in Bury

Reiki can also be successfully incorporated into many other healing arts practised by health professionals. It is particularly effective when used with other hands-on therapies such as reflexology and aromatherapy. Reiki encourages you to examine your emotional responses to people, events and situations, allowing you to let go of negative emotions and promote the qualities of loving, caring, sharing, trusting and good will.

Reiki for pets and animals in Bury

I am one of the few people who offer Reiki treatment on pets and animals in Bury. Reiki is a safe, natural method for treating animals who are sick. As with people, it will enhance the benefits of any other therapies or treatments the animal is receiving. For pets, Reiki can delay the onset and progression of certain diseases and can energise and revitalise older animals.

Contact me for a free initial consultation

low cost reiki healing sessions